Blue Skies Research
ICAD is going to examine the current flow of climatic information that is circulating in the UK today and ask users of that information- typically government, private and third sector organisations - what they make of it and how they use it. Predominantly this information is produced by scientists, but not always.
The research programme is divided into 2 domains:
1. Understanding climate knowledge needs across society -
2. The social status of techno-scientific knowledge in adaptation to climate change-
The whole programme will be applied to the UK context given the sophistication of exisiting knowledge systems (such as probabilistic climate scenarios) and the progessive climate policy landscape (that requires public authorities to regularly report on adaptation activities).
To fully understand the sheer complexity, and subtle nuances, involved in producing and using climate information in the UK, Project ICAD will combine a mixture of methods: documentary analysis, qualitative interviews, and quantitative surveys, to enhance the rigour, robustness and triangulation of our findings.