Project ICAD


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 284369




Our Team

Project ICAD Core Team


Project ICAD is made up of a core team of 4. We also welcome Paola to our team on a temporary basis.

Suraje Dessai, Principal InvestigatorSuraje Dessai

Suraje is Professor of Climate Change Adaptation at the University of Leeds, an Associate of the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics & Policy and a visiting scientist at the University of Lisbon. As well as ICAD he is a Lead Author of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. He has published extensively on climate change science, impacts, adaptation and policy.

James Porter, Research FellowJames Porter

James is a human geographer who specialises in the production, and in turn, use of environmental knowledge, particularly in the context of flood risk and climate science, and the ways in which institutional politics affect the management of risk/uncertainty in decision-making.

Geoff Whitman, Research FellowGeoff Whitman

Geoff is an Environmental Social Scientist who specialises in the relationship between environmental knowledges, expertise, publics and government as well as experimental participatory approaches to environmental issues.

Paola Hernandez Montes de Oca de Sakai, Research FellowPaolo Hernandez Montes de Oca de Sakai

Paola is an experienced social scientist who has experience studying how SME's in developing contexts are able to adapt to climate change. She has joined the ICAD team to assist with the examination of adaptation of the UK water sector:on the ways in which they are using climate information and how the institutional setting influence adaptation in practice.

Juliet Jopson, Project OfficerJuliet Jopson

Joining the University of Leeds in 2006, Juliet has extensive experience both in project and event management, and science communication. In addition to her role in Earth and Environment, she is Project Manager on AMEDEO, an EU research and training grant in the School of Mechanical Engineering, coordinating a European consortium that includes HE, research organisation and industry members.