ICAD News - ICAD Local Authority Survey Launch
ICAD Local Authority Survey Launch
Recent extreme weather events, within and beyond the UK, have dramatically shown the importance of adapting, or being resilient, to a changing climate. Local authorities play a crucial role in tackling such events. Yet no one has asked what information local authorities use to make climate influenced decisions, the reasons why they rely on it, and whether or not that information addresses their needs.
Our survey seeks to shed light on these concerns. We would be grateful if you can spare 15 minutes to share your thoughts and experiences by filling in our survey by the 21st November 2012 (see link below).
By filling out this survey, you will be contributing to a better understanding of what information local authorities use and need to adapt to a changing climate. We expect these research findings to better inform, and possibly tailor, future climate and science policies, information and tools. This survey contributes to a larger programme funded by the European Research Council at the University of Leeds, “Informing Climate Adaptation Decisions” – Project ICAD
Thanking you in advance!
Professor Suraje Dessai
Chair in Climate Change Adaptation
Sustainability Research Institute
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
If you have any queries regarding the survey please contact, Dr James Porter j.j.porter@leeds.ac.uk