Project ICAD


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 284369




Our Associates

Project ICAD Associates


Project ICAD benefits from additional academic support from the following associated researchers:

David Demeritt

David DemerittDavid is Professor of Geography at Kings College London and is best known for his ability to bridge the discipline's human-physical divide. He has extensive practical experience of seniour university management, of incubating and leading multidisciplinary environmental research projects, and of successfully collaborating with partners in government, NGOs and industry. David will provide strategic advice about research design, analysis and publication to Project ICAD.


Ross Gillard

Ross GillardAfter completing an MSc in Sustainability (Environment and Development) Ross began work on his PhD at the University of Leeds in January 2014. Provisionally titled ‘Governing Rapid Transitions in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’ his research focusses on political institutions and governance dynamics. His thesis begins with the passing of the UK Climate Change Act, tracking policy change and institutional processes between now and then in order to evaluate the UK’s progress towards a climate compatible future.

Susanne Lorenz

Susanne LorenzSusanne has an MSc in Sustainability and Climate Change from the University of Leeds and has worked for 2 years in local government in the field of climate change adaptation and sustainability. She is currently working on European National Adaptation Strategies, looking at the communication of uncertainty and climate science to adaptation practitioners and is completing a PhD at the University of Leeds.


Marta Bruno Soares

Marta Bruno SoaresMarta worked as a policy planner at Oxford City Council before starting her PhD in Climate Change Vulnerability in 2008, and has now joined SRI in order to work on a project entitled European Provision Of Regional Impact Assessment On A Seasonal-to decadal timescale under the EU Framework 7 Programme. For more information about the project visit


Samuel Tang

Samuel TangSamuel is a PhD research student in the Department of Geography at King's College London and a member of the King's Risk Management. His work further explores the governance of adaptation in UK society in response to the risks and benefits of climate change. He is researching who, how and why organisations report on adaptation and what the next steps are post-reporting.