Project ICAD produces a wide range of policy notes and papers, which are all free to download.
They are aimed at a broad readership of decision-makers in the public, private and third sectors, UK and overseas, based on research carried out by members of the Project ICAD team and associates. These documents may involve collaborations with other individuals or organisations (such as the Sustainability Research Institute). Each brief and paper is reviewed by at least two internal referees.
10.08.16 Susanne Lorenz, Suraje Dessai, Piers M. Forster and Jouni Paavola (2016) Use of Climate Projections in Local Adaptation Planning: Lessons from England & Germany. SRI Briefing Note No. 9, University of Leeds.
09.11.15 Susanne Lorenz, Suraje Dessai, Piers M. Forster and Jouni Paavola (2015) Testing the effectiveness of climate projections visualisations with adaptation practitioners. SRI Briefing Note No. 7, University of Leeds.
04.03.15 Porter, J. J.; Jopson, S. J.; Dessai, S.; Tompkins, E. (2015) UK households need help from Government to adapt to climate change. ICAD Policy & Practice Note 3, University of Leeds.
04.03.15 Porter, J. J.; Jopson, S. J.; Demeritt, D.; Dessai, S. (2015) Local Authorities: Why more information doesn’t lead to more adaptation action. ICAD Policy & Practice Note 2, University of Leeds.
04.03.15 Porter, J. J.; Dessai, S.; Tang, S. (2013) UK climate projections: Why users don’t always ‘need’ what they ‘want’. ICAD Policy & Practice Note 1, University of Leeds.
14.9.12 Written response to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs “Climate Ready UK” submitted by Dr James Porter, Professor Suraje Dessai, Ms Susanne Lorenz, Professor Jouni Paavola and Dr Geoff Whitman.
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