Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park
This international workshop brings together scholars from different disciplines, philosophical traditions, and national contexts, to reflect on the socio-technical and institutional-political considerations affecting the supply of, and demand for, climate knowledge in adaptation decision-making.
Over 48 hours, this residential workshop will allow participants to give talks, share ideas and debate. Workshop papers will be circulated to everyone prior to the workshop but to introduce greater interaction and reflexivity, each paper will be delivered first by a discussant, followed by the author's response, then opened up for general discussion.
By invitation only.
University of Reading
This international workshop will be held to bring producers and users of climate scenarios/projections together - "(Re)Thinking National Climate Scenarios". Organised by Professor Suraje Dessai and Dr James Porter, the workshop explores how different national climate scenarios developed, what lessons an be learnt about the social, political and technical issues that shaped them, and where the next generation of projections might led us. The event is sponsored by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), the EQUIP project, and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP).
By invitation only.
University of Manchester
Suraje Dessai, James Porter & Marta Bruno Soares will be presenting at this event entitled Weather and Climate Services in Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
Read more
This talk will be a short and intense overview of the German BMBF project KLIMZUG-NORD ( and the sub-project Governance of Adaptation. Case studies about stakeholder involvement will be introduced and strengths and weaknesses of such endeavors will be discussed. With help of the IRGC Risk Governance framework (Ortwin Renn) the socio-ecological knowledge context will be explored.
Please email for more info.
This seminar will introduce the rationale and aims of Project ICAD, its methods and preliminary findings based on analysis of two questionnaire surveys, almost 100 organisation adaptation reports and numerous interviews.
Presented by Prof. Suraje Dessai & Dr Geoff Whitman.
Everyone welcome. SEE, UoL, Room 8.119 from 1pm.
Knowledge Exchange Workshop, Innovate UK
Retrofitting homes for a future climate: emerging trends from recent industry surveys on climate change adaptation, at King's College London.
Presented by Dr James Porter
Free but limited capacity.
Email or visit
National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, ES4 Summer School at Edinburgh University.
For course details please contact or visit
Presented by Dr James Porter
Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, London School of Economics and Political Science
Part of the Climate Change Decision Theory Group (CCDTG) led by David Stainforth.
Presented by Dr James Porter.
Please contact for more information.
Royal Geographical Society, London
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