Interested in some of our partners or stakeholders?
ICAD is working with a large number of key organisations in the UK, in a variety of ways. We consider co-operation with all these organisations as key to the success of our project and we are grateful for their support.
Collaboration is at the heart of our research. As our project progresses you will see listed below the key organisations – public, private and third-sector – that we will be working with to successfully deliver Project ICAD and whose work we seek to inform.
We also work closely with other projects in the Sustainability Research Institute here at the University of Leeds in order to further progress the research being undertaken by ICAD.
Climate Change Adaptation Events.
EA Workshops on local health and wellbeing in a changing climate - February & March 2013
Making sense of complexity in an interdependent world - 25 February, Royal Society, London
Climate Northern Ireland - Climate Change: Business Risk and Reward Conference March 7th 2013, Belfast