Project ICAD


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Other Publications

Other Publications

Includes books, reports and discussions produced by members of the ICAD team.

James Porter wrote a letter that was published in the London Evening Standard, 11th February- Letters: Learning to Live with Flooding

Ballard, D., C. Bond, N. Pyatt, K. Lonsdale, G.P. Whitman, S. Dessai, M. Evans, and J.H. Tweed (2013) PREPARE - Barriers and enablers to organisational and sectoral adaptive capacity - qualitative study, Part of the PREPARE Programme of research on preparedness, adaptation and risk, Final Report for project ERG1211 by Ricardo-AEA for Defra. Report reference Ricardo-AEA/R/ED58163/PREPARE R1a/Issue 1.0.

Kent, N., J.J. Porter, S. Dessai, K. Miller, S. Winne, R. Sibille, L. Horrocks, N. Dale, K. Lonsdale  and D. Ballard (2013) PREPARE – The contribution and role of local and household level adaptation in overall UK adaptation, Part of the PREPARE Programme of research on preparedness, adaptation and risk, Final Report for project ERG1211 by Ricardo-AEA for Defra, Report reference Ricardo-AEA/R/ED58163/PREPARE R2/Issue 1.0.

James' critical essay exploring the changing managment of scientific research in the neo-liberal era: commercialisation, is now available online.

Porter(2013) Markets Bad, Academia Good? Review of Philip Mirowski’s Science Mart, Environment and Planning D.

